We did WGBS for our fish samples and I am currently trimming our raw reads using the fastp (Version 0.20.0) and TrimGalore! (Version 0.6.10) software. however, when I did quality checking of the trimmed sequences using FastQC (version 0.12.1) I noticed that my reads both in raw sequences and trimmed sequences (trimmed using fastp and TrimGalore!), specifically on [filename]_2 sequences (reverse sequences), have a high poly-A content. I already included the "--trim_poly_x" in fastp but it did not do any significant decrease when I did FastQC.
Edit: I attached the fastqc report, specifically for the reverse sequences, for the before (first picture) and after (second picture) trimming.
I hope someone could enlighten me regarding this
What is "high"? How many percent of reads are affected? Show the relevant fastqc report.
hi thanks, I've attached the adapter sequence report of my fastqc to my original post
I have the same exact issue! Please let me know if you have a solution.