I created a combined mm39 and MHV-A59 (Viral) reference genome and aligned my paired end reads using STAR with the following input commands:
--runMode alignReads
--runThreadN 16
--genomeDir /genomeDir
--readFilesIn /FastqDir/1.fq.gz, /FastqDir/2.fq.gz
--readFilesCommand gunzip -c
--outReadsUnmapped Fastx
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
It seems that everything went fine. Here is a result from one of the alignments:
Started job on | Nov 14 20:08:30
Started mapping on | Nov 14 20:09:03
Finished on | Nov 14 20:15:12
Mapping speed, Million of reads per hour | 808.26
Number of input reads | 82847062
Average input read length | 150
Uniquely mapped reads number | 77656936
Uniquely mapped reads % | 93.74%
Average mapped length | 149.28
Number of splices: Total | 37645057
Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 37376062
Number of splices: GT/AG | 37313095
Number of splices: GC/AG | 265167
Number of splices: AT/AC | 28575
Number of splices: Non-canonical | 38220
Mismatch rate per base, % | 0.26%
Deletion rate per base | 0.01%
Deletion average length | 1.82
Insertion rate per base | 0.01%
Insertion average length | 1.57
Number of reads mapped to multiple loci | 3072281
% of reads mapped to multiple loci | 3.71%
Number of reads mapped to too many loci | 98073
% of reads mapped to too many loci | 0.12%
% of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0.00%
% of reads unmapped: too short | 2.37%
% of reads unmapped: other | 0.07%
Number of chimeric reads | 0
% of chimeric reads | 0.00%
Now I take this BAM file and run it through featureCount with the following parameters, where combined gtf is my mm39 and MHV-A59 gtf file I used for making the index:
annot.ext = "/Users/combined.gtf",
isGTFAnnotationFile = TRUE,
requireBothEndsMapped = TRUE,
countReadPairs = TRUE,
strandSpecific = 2)
And I get the following error: ERROR: No paired-end reads were detected in paired-end read library
I feel like this must be a result of the combined mouse and viral reference but I cant quite figure out what it wrong. I checked and it looks like I have reads mapped to the viral genome so I think everything went smoothly on the mapping side. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
beautiful thank you so much!