Hi - I am trying to use bcftools to overwrite the existing FMT/GT values in a VCF file, matching by the ID column, in addition to CHROM and POS.
I tried creating a .txt.gz file as an annotation file, but got a message that to update the FMT/GT values, I must use a VCF as my annotation file. I have done this, and then I am using:
bcftools1.18 annotate -a annotest.vcf.gz -c ~ID,FMT/GT -O z -o new.vcf.gz original.vcf.gz
When I do this, I get a note that says:
"todo: -c ~ID with -a VCF?"
Does this means that bcftools does not allow me to update FMT/GT using the ID column?
Thanks in advance!