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12 months ago
So, i use WBA mem to align my reads (from NGS panels) to reference genome. My reads align to two different, but very similar regions. I want to prevent align these reads to non target region when i use BWA mem. I hope that will make MQ of my reads > 0 because they will be aligned only to target region. Maybe i can use bed-file contained regions that BWA should ignore to align reads or something like that... I did not found something like that in BWA docs.
Perhaps I can do that, but after alignment I would like to do a variant calling. As I know variant call tools (GATK) just ignore reads with MQ - 0. And even if i do that u wrote, I anyway get bam file with those reads with MQ = 0.
I see, so the best way would be to mask the region, prior to performing the alignment, you could use bedtools maskfasta for that: