my code
metawrap binning -o bin_out -t 24 -m 200 -a all_contig/all_merge.fasta --metabat2 --maxbin2 --concoct all_fastq/*fastq
Error reported as follows
sorting the SRR10492802 alignment file
[bam_sort_core] merging from 24 files and 24 in-memory blocks...
[E::sam_hdr_sanitise] Malformed SAM header at line 2
samtools sort: failed to read header from "bin_out/work_files/tmp-samtools.0000.bam"
somthing went wrong with sortin the alignments
There is the header of sam file.
$samtools view -H SRR10492802.sam|head -10
@SQ SN:k141_390421 LN:651
@SQ SN:k141_39985 LN:538
@SQ SN:k141_334641 LN:682
@SQ SN:k141_55776 LN:692
@SQ SN:k141_39781 LN:589
@SQ SN:k141_450722 LN:843
@SQ SN:k141_563831 LN:707
@SQ SN:k141_350441 LN:651
@SQ SN:k141_270821 LN:1427
@SQ SN:k141_111552 LN:779
Request answers for me how to solve the problem. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the suggestion, but removing -concoct doesn't seem to solve the problem
You should post some log file to help me understand your situation. By the way, have you checked the size of "bin_out/work_files/tmp-samtools.0000.bam"? If the binning process has stopped, you should remove the tmp file before start a new mission.
The paragraph at the end of the log file may be the problem
Also, I checked the output file and did not find the presence of the tmp-samtools.0000.bam file, which appears to be a temporary file that seems to have been cleaned after the software interruption