Hi all,
I am new to bioinformatics analysis, so I'd appreciate if someone could check my code for the goal I am trying to achieve.
I have 3 samples -
- Wild Type (WT)
- FoxP3-TCF-HEB (I have 3 replicates of this)
I have defined these in the sample information csv and loaded into a colData variable
I want to merge (average) the three FoxP3 replicate FeatureCounts outputs for visualization in the heatmap.
This is what my FeatureCounts output looks like:
I have successfully got the DeSeq differential expression values for the 3 samples by using the contrast function to compare each of the experimental groups against the wild type based on the gene.
But where I think I may have gone wrong is in the construction of the heatmap.
Please could someone check the R Script below to see if they would do it in a similar way.
#Script for DeSeq Analysis
#Load Count Data
counts_data <- read.csv('/Users/m300189/Downloads/countsText_3Samples.csv', header=TRUE, row.names = 1)
#Load Sample Info
colData <- read.csv ('/Users/m300189/Downloads/Data/SampleInfo.csv', header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
#Do the row names in ColData match the columns in count_data
all(colnames(counts_data) %in% rownames(colData))
#Are they in the same order
all(colnames(counts_data) == rownames(colData))
#construct DeSeqDataSet
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_data,
colData = colData,
design = ~ Gene )
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keep,]
#Run DeSeq and Contrast analysis/volcano plot
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res1 <- results(dds, contrast = c("Gene", "WT", "FoxP3-TCF-HEB"))
res2 <- results(dds, contrast = c("Gene", "WT", "TCFKO"))
summary (res2)
normalized_counts <- counts(dds, normalized = TRUE)
#Generating a heatmap
#1. Merging the FoxP3 samples
# Identify the columns for FoxP3 samples
foxp3_cols <- grep("FoxP3", colnames(normalized_counts))
# Calculate the mean expression for FoxP3 samples
foxp3_mean <- rowMeans(normalized_counts[, foxp3_cols])
# Construct a new data frame for heatmap
heatmap_data <- data.frame(
B6_WT = normalized_counts[, "Jasmin_WT"],
FoxP3_TCF_HEB = foxp3_mean,
TCFKO = normalized_counts[, "Osman_TCFKO"]
# Select top differentially expressed genes from both res1 and res2 for the heatmap
# Use normalized counts of combined top genes for heatmap
combined_top_genes <- unique(c(top_genes_res1, top_genes_res2))
heatmap_data_selected <- heatmap_data[combined_top_genes,]
# Generating heatmap
scale = "row",
clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",
clustering_method = "complete",
color = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(255))
Thank you in advance for your help, and any suggestions on how I can improve would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, Thanks for your reply. For this test analysis I was running an imbalanced design yes - not ideal I know.
But I am currently downloading all the data so I will have 3 replicates for each group.
I will have a look into NOISeq.
Does this code look OK for what I am trying to - see if there is any different between my 3 condition? I will add the other 4 datasets in due course.