I need to soft-clip the primers of my amplicon reads and I have the following problem
In scenario 1 I have forward and reverse reads in the same coordinates and I only want to soft-clip the first bases of each read (as shown in the example below) becaouse the reads belong to different amplicons.
In scenario 2 I have forward and reverse reads in the same coordinates and I want to soft-clip the first and the last bases of each read (as shown in the example below) becaouse the reads belong to the same amplicon.
In the second scenario, I am not soft-clipping correctly the reads.
I am using samtools ampliconclip and this is not versatile enough. If I use --both-end
this will successfully soft-clip reads in scenario 2 BUT it will also soft-clip the regions of the reads in scenario 1 I don't want to soft-clip.
On the contrary, If I use --strand
this will soft clip my reads in scenario 1 but in scenario 2 this will not do the job as shown in the second pic above.
I have tried to develop a Python script with Pysam to handle this (See code below but not finished yet) but Pysam as far as I know is not as optimisate as Ampliconclip. Consequently, reads with noise or real variants in which the CIGAR string is not simple (e.g. this is a simple CIGAR 120M this is not a simple CIGAR 3I117M) are not properly sotf-clipped. This is not for a single analysis, this is to put in production so I am looking for a robust solution and I am afraid that my Pysam approach may give me a lot of problems.
import pysam
# Function to adjust CIGAR string for soft-clipping
def softclip_positive_read(read, primer_F_end, primer_R_start):
Modify the CIGAR string of a forward read to soft-clip it at specific positions.
Soft-clips the start of the read up to primer_F_end and the end of the read from primer_R_start.
read: The read to be modified.
primer_F_end: The position at which to start soft-clipping at the beginning of the read.
primer_R_start: The start position of the second primer where the end clipping begins.
start_clip_length = primer_F_end - read.reference_start
end_clip_length = read.reference_end - primer_R_start
# Check if start clipping is needed
if start_clip_length > 0:
read.reference_start += start_clip_length
start_clip_length = 0
new_cigar = []
total_length = 0
print(f"Before: {read.query_name} {read.reference_start}-{read.reference_end} {read.cigarstring}")
for operation, length in read.cigartuples:
total_length += length
if operation == 0: # 'M' operation
if start_clip_length > 0:
# Clip at the start
clip_len = min(length, start_clip_length)
new_cigar.append((4, clip_len)) # 'S' for soft-clipping
length -= clip_len
start_clip_length -= clip_len
if length > 0 and end_clip_length > 0 and total_length > (read.reference_length - end_clip_length):
# Clip at the end
clip_len = min(length, end_clip_length)
new_cigar.append((operation, length - clip_len))
new_cigar.append((4, clip_len))
end_clip_length -= clip_len
elif length > 0:
new_cigar.append((operation, length))
read.cigartuples = new_cigar
print(f"After: {read.query_name} {read.reference_start}-{read.reference_end} {read.cigarstring}")
# Load amplicon coordinates from BED file
amplicons = []
with open("baby1.bed", "r") as bed_file:
for line in bed_file:
chrom, start, end, name, score, strand, primer_F_end, primer_R_start = line.strip().split()
amplicons.append((chrom, int(start), int(end), int(primer_F_end), int(primer_R_start), strand))
# Open BAM file for reading and writing
infile = pysam.AlignmentFile("./simulation_data/unclipped_simulated_reads.bam", "rb")
outfile = pysam.AlignmentFile("./softclipped.bam", "wb", template=infile)
# Process each read in the BAM file
for read in infile:
# The flag 16 indicates that the read is aligned to the reverse strand of the reference.
if read.is_reverse:
continue # Skip reverse reads for now
# Else is forward
for amplicon in amplicons:
chrom, start, end, primer_F_end, primer_R_start, strand = amplicon
# Start with + strand reads
if read.reference_name == chrom and strand == "+":
# Check if the read is within ±5 bases of the amplicon start
if abs(read.reference_start - start) <= 5:
# Soft-clip the read
softclip_positive_read(read, primer_F_end, primer_R_start)
break # Only process for the first matching amplicon
# Close input and output files