Join UConn's Computational Biology Core for a Single Cell RNAseq Workshop December 12-15, 2023
Scope of the workshop: Introduction to different data file formats. Understanding the Considerations while designing single-cell RNA-seq experiments, Hands on steps to convert raw single-cell RNA-seq data to a count or expression matrix, Compute and assessing QC of the datasets, Clustering of Cells (UMAP, tSNE) and identifying cluster-specific markers and annotating cell types., Perform integration of different samples and trajectory analysis in cell differentiation.
Dates: December 12-15, 2023 (4days)
Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm
Location: Online
Cost: $400 (UConn affiliates including UConn Health), $500 (External Participants)
Please visit to register or for more information!