Hi everyone,
I have a gVCF containing genetic information from different individuals, and I would like to extract specific SNPs. The SNPs of interest are listed in a BED file with the following structure (the end position rapresent the real position of the SNP):
chr #start-position #end-position
chr1 0 1
chr1 344 345
chr2 10 11
For the extraction process, I used the following command in a folder where I only have the BED file and the VCF file:
bcftools view -Ou -R snp.bed file.vcf.gz > output
I found these instructions here.
However it gives me an empty output with only the header of the original vcf. But I know there are the variants I need in it.
Can someone help me find a solution to this problem?
Thank you so much!
I'm unsure if this could be correlated, but before using bcftools view, I generated the index file for the VCF using the command:
no, it's not.