Hi, community,
I am in a small pickle. I am trying to perform DEXseq on RNA-seq data of several samples. However, when I run the code I get stuck with it.
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : subscript out of bounds
Here is the full steps I am running.
dds <- DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq(countFiles = HO120_file_paths,
sampleData = HO120_sample_info,
design = ~ sample + exon + condition:exon,
flattenedfile = flattened_file)
I have checked the naming conventions, paths, everything but still getting the error. The count files in question just have 2 columns, exon_ID and counts. They were generated using STAR aligner followed by HTSeq. The flattened file is the one I generated from gencode hg38 gtf file with dexseq.
I would really appreciate any insights you may have on this error. Please ask me for information if need be.