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12 months ago
How to find species-specific genes from a genome, compare two genomes, and find out particular genes available to one genome and not to another. please tell me about any tool/ r-package/ resources that will help me. Thanks.
I have gone through about two tools but have not gotten the answer to my question. Thanks.
Are you not looking for something like the gene_presence_absence.csv of panaroo? (https://gtonkinhill.github.io/panaroo/#/gettingstarted/output). Also in R pagoo package seems to be good to analyze the pangenomes after panaroo (or any other pangenome tool) (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pagoo/pagoo.pdf)
Thank you mboutrou for your informative response, I am using panaroo tool and with the following command getting the error tell me how can I fix this? -