I am trying to convert a file from 23andme to a vcf file. The file is tab delimited txt file.
I tried using
bcftools convert --tsv2vcf input.tab.gz -f ref.fa -s SampleName -Ob -o sample.bcf
but I am not sure how to get ref.fa where can I download it? I looked here but I don't know which file to download and whether I need to unzip it or do anything else with it before I can use it.
is there a detailed tutorial somewhere, that explains exactly what to to convert 23andme to vcf?
I am pretty new to this topic so any help is appreciated.
Thanks for your reply. Do I need to unzip the file after downloading it or do anything else with it? It's a .fa.gz but in the command it says .fa?
Yes it looks like you will have to do that.