I tried to install MetaPhlAn3 in the conda environment of WSL. However, the results are as shown in the image below.
What is the problem, and how can I solve it? I want to install MetaPhlAn3.
Please help me. Thank you!
I tried to install MetaPhlAn3 in the conda environment of WSL. However, the results are as shown in the image below.
What is the problem, and how can I solve it? I want to install MetaPhlAn3.
Please help me. Thank you!
You seem to have conflicts with existing packages. This happens when you install many packages into the base environment. Conda suggests to make separate environments so that this doesn't happen - I personally have little to nothing installed in my base environment.
Create an environment named metaphlan that contains metaphlan:
conda create -n metaphlan -c bioconda metaphlan
conda activate metaphlan
should do the trick.
(I'd also suggest updating your conda in general, you have a bunch of warnings that an update will get rid of: conda update conda
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