Hi there,
I am fairly new to the single cell field and accidentally updated Seurat to V5 which doesn't seem to be compatible with my code.
I am using sorted cells and subset each individual object based on expression of particular genes to remove any contaminating cells as below:
T1.data <- Read10X(data.dir = "TY01")
meta_rownames <- colnames(T1.data)
ty01_metadata <- aux_metadata[rep(seq_len(nrow(aux_metadata["TY01",])), each = length(meta_rownames)) * which(row.names(aux_metadata) == "TY01"),]
row.names(ty01_metadata) <- meta_rownames
TY01 <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = T1.data, project = "TY01", meta.data = ty01_metadata)
TY01 = subset(TY01, subset = CD3E < 1 & CD3D)
In seurat V5 I now get this error and am unsure how to resolve it:
Warning: No layers found matching search pattern provided
Error in FetchData.Assay5(object = object[[DefaultAssay(object = object)]], :
layer "data" is not found in the object
If I proceed without subsetting based on gene counts and run standard preprocessing, I now get a strange error when I try to run FindAllMarkers as below:
all.markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = PBMC.FILTERED)
Calculating cluster 0
Calculating cluster 1
Calculating cluster 2
Calculating cluster 3
Calculating cluster 4
Calculating cluster 5
Calculating cluster 6
Calculating cluster 7
Calculating cluster 8
Calculating cluster 9
Calculating cluster 10
Calculating cluster 11
Calculating cluster 12
Warning: No DE genes identified
Warning: The following tests were not performed:
Warning: When testing 0 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 1 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 2 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 3 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 4 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 5 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 6 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 7 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 8 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 9 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 10 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 11 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
Warning: When testing 12 versus all:
data layers are not joined. Please run JoinLayers
This is not resolved by running JoinLayers
Anyone have any idea what might be going on? Thank you!