Can anyone simplify GATK installation
The answer to that is "Yes, BioConda has already done it." as I have recommended earlier.
conda install bioconda::gatk4
You need to have set up conda or micromamba before that.
The learning curve is quite steep at the beginning when starting with Linux, however, try to keep training with some introductory courses and it is going to become much easier after after a few days or weeks. If you follow the related chapters in the Biostars handbook, setting up your system will be a piece of cake.
Also, "installation" of a Java program doesn't get much easier than this:
From GATK's manual (with my highlighting):
Install it
There is no installation necessary in the traditional sense, since the precompiled jar files should work on any POSIX platform that satisfies the requirements listed above. You'll simply need to open the downloaded package and place the folder containing the jar files and launch script in a convenient directory on your hard drive (or server filesystem).
Although the jars themselves cannot simply be added to your PATH, you can do so with the gatk wrapper script. Please look up instructions depending on the terminal shell you use; in bash the typical syntax is export PATH="/path/to/gatk-package/:$PATH" where /path/to/gatk-package/ is the path to the location of the gatk executable. Note that the jars must remain in the same directory as gatk for it to work. Be sure to include the final / in your path.
You can also create an alias to executable within your .bash_profile file, so that simply typing in gatk will run the file path: alias gatk='/path/to/gatk-package/gatk'.
and how is your question different from your previous question ? GATK version check failed ; People already answered like "set the PATH"
Step 01: Opened Ubuntu Terminal (my home directory is home\nanam\ as indicated by pwd)
Step 02: Downloaded latest gatk release using - wget
(I have java installed already)
Step 03: Unzipped the above file using - unzip (I have already installed unzip using - sudo apt install unzip)
I extracted here: /home/nanam (home directory as stated above)
Step 04. Now to setup environment variables - echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/home/nanam' >> ~/.bashrc
Actual path where I extracted
Step 05: Refreshed using - source ~/.bashrc
Step 06. Checked installation using gatk --help or gatk --version
ERROR: Command 'gatk' not found, did you mean: command 'gate' from snap gate (9.3) command 'gitk' from deb gitk (1:2.34.1-1ubuntu1.10) command 'gawk' from deb gawk (1:5.1.0-1ubuntu0.1) See 'snap info <snapname>' for additional versions.
What went wrong?
Google and learn how to set the PATH. Setting the PATH blindly to where you think it should be set doesn't make sense, it needs to be set to where the executable is.
I learned and set the PATH with nano editor. But didn't worked.
show us the commands
show us the errors