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11 months ago
Hi im struggling to find the problem with aligning some paired end reads. Essentially, after i trimmed the reads using the trimmomatic to remove adapters i get this error from Hisat2.
hisat2 -x genome -1 1_R1_001.trimmed.fastq.gz -2 1_R2_001.trimmed.fastq.gz -S output.sam
Warning: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '1_R1_001.trimmed.fastq.gz'
(ERR): Read file '1_R1_001.trimmed.fastq.gz' doesn't exist
Exiting now ...
I tried running the same reads with Hisat2 before i trimmed with trimmomatic and it actually works fine, so its something about the trimmed files it does not like i guess, as i have checked the PATH etc and all that seems fine.
Any help welcome, Thanks
the path to the fastq file os wrong.
what is the output of
Hi, looks like its there but for some reason not recognised...doesnt make sense to me
hisat2 -x genome -1 $(ls *q.gz | grep 'R1_001') -2 -$(ls *q.gz | grep 'R2_001') -S out.sam
My suspicion is that there is maybe a whitespace before the initial "1"?