Tutorial:Bulk RNA-seq: Different Expression Analysis with DEseq2
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13 months ago
Julia Ma ▴ 120

Content taken verbatim from: https://omicverse.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tutorials-bulk/t_deseq2/

An important task of bulk rna-seq analysis is the different expression , which we can perform with omicverse. For different expression analysis, ov change the gene_id to gene_name of matrix first.

Now we can use PyDEseq2 to perform DESeq2 analysis like R

Paper: PyDESeq2: a python package for bulk RNA-seq differential expression analysis

Code: https://github.com/owkin/PyDESeq2

Colab_Reproducibility: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1fZS-v0zdIYkXrEoIAM1X5kPoZVfVvY5h?usp=sharing

import omicverse as ov


Note that this dataset has not been processed in any way and is only exported by featureCounts, and Sequence alignment was performed from the genome file of CRCm39

#replace the columns `.bam` to `` 
data.columns=[i.split('/')[-1].replace('.bam','') for i in data.columns]
1--1 1--2 2--1 2--2 3--1 3--2 4--1 4--2 4-3 4-4 Blank-1 Blank-2
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
ENSMUSG00000102628 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
ENSMUSG00000100595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ENSMUSG00000097426 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
ENSMUSG00000104478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ENSMUSG00000104385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ID mapping

We performed the gene_id mapping by the mapping pair file GRCm39 downloaded before.


1--1 1--2 2--1 2--2 3--1 3--2 4--1 4--2 4-3 4-4 Blank-1 Blank-2
Gm14845 115 116 84 86 133 170 130 105 91 127 124 99
Hdc 97 579 123 172 571 119 106 28 217 156 2 51
H2bu2 60 59 58 22 71 73 75 138 55 38 18 53
Gm6693 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rnd3 2423 2289 1996 1750 2304 2669 2952 2109 2030 2026 875 2555

Different expression analysis with ov

We can do differential expression analysis very simply by ov, simply by providing an expression matrix. To run DEG, we simply need to:

  • Read the raw count by featureCount or any other qualify methods.
  • Create an ov DEseq object.

We notes that the gene_name mapping before exist some duplicates, we will process the duplicate indexes to retain only the highest expressed genes

print('... drop_duplicates_index success')

... drop_duplicates_index success

Now we can calculate the different expression gene from matrix, we need to input the treatment and control groups


Fitting size factors...
... done in 0.00 seconds.

Fitting dispersions...
... done in 1.59 seconds.

Fitting dispersion trend curve...
... done in 2.82 seconds.

logres_prior=1.1538905878789707, sigma_prior=0.25
Fitting MAP dispersions...
... done in 1.57 seconds.

Fitting LFCs...
... done in 1.27 seconds.

Refitting 0 outliers.

Running Wald tests...
... done in 1.33 seconds.

Log2 fold change & Wald test p-value: condition Treatment vs Control
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
Gm14845 111.727600 -0.049168 0.470660 -0.104467 0.916799 0.975241
Hdc 258.120455 -0.809097 1.116541 -0.724646 0.468669 0.789482
H2bu2 52.656807 -0.323968 0.652995 -0.496127 0.619805 0.877166
Gm6693 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Rnd3 2180.318184 -0.183828 0.190533 -0.964809 0.334641 0.690369
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Gm18244 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Gm50317 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Olfr516 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Gm37042 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Prelid1 3335.335908 -0.032464 0.190413 -0.170493 0.864622 0.958729

54504 rows × 6 columns

One important thing is that we do not filter out low expression genes when processing DEGs, and in future versions I will consider building in the corresponding processing.


(54504, 14)
(23377, 14)

We also need to set the threshold of Foldchange, we prepare a method named foldchange_set to finish. This function automatically calculates the appropriate threshold based on the log2FC distribution, but you can also enter it manually.

# -1 means automatically calculates

... Fold change threshold: 1.6248531033651643

Visualize the DEG result and specific genes

To visualize the DEG result, we use plot_volcano to do it. This fuction can visualize the gene interested or high different expression genes. There are some parameters you need to input:

  • title: The title of volcano
  • figsize: The size of figure
  • plot_genes: The genes you interested
  • plot_genes_num: If you don't have interested genes, you can auto plot it.
dds.plot_volcano(title='DEG Analysis',figsize=(4,4),

<Axes: title={'center': 'DEG Analysis'}, xlabel='$log_{2}FC$', ylabel='$-log_{10}(qvalue)$'>

enter image description here

To visualize the specific genes, we only need to use the dds.plot_boxplot function to finish it.


(<Figure size 160x240 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Gene Expression'}>)

enter image description here


(<Figure size 160x240 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Gene Expression'}>)

enter image description here

Pathway enrichment analysis by Pyomic

Here we use the gseapy package, which included the GSEA analysis and Enrichment. We have optimised the output of the package and given some better looking graph drawing functions

Similarly, we need to download the pathway/genesets first. Five genesets we prepare previously, you can use Pyomic.utils.download_pathway_database() to download automatically. Besides, you can download the pathway you interested from enrichr: https://maayanlab.cloud/Enrichr/#libraries


......Pathway Geneset download start: GO_Biological_Process_2021
......Loading dataset from genesets/GO_Biological_Process_2021.txt
......Pathway Geneset download start: GO_Cellular_Component_2021
......Loading dataset from genesets/GO_Cellular_Component_2021.txt
......Pathway Geneset download start: GO_Molecular_Function_2021
......Loading dataset from genesets/GO_Molecular_Function_2021.txt
......Pathway Geneset download start: WikiPathway_2021_Human
......Loading dataset from genesets/WikiPathway_2021_Human.txt
......Pathway Geneset download start: WikiPathways_2019_Mouse
......Loading dataset from genesets/WikiPathways_2019_Mouse.txt
......Pathway Geneset download start: Reactome_2022
......Loading dataset from genesets/Reactome_2022.txt
......Pathway Geneset download finished!
......Other Genesets can be dowload in `https://maayanlab.cloud/Enrichr/#libraries`


To perform the GSEA analysis, we need to ranking the genes at first. Using dds.ranking2gsea can obtain a ranking gene's matrix sorted by -log10(padj).



We used ov.bulk.pyGSEA to construct a GSEA object to perform enrichment.

2023-05-18 03:12:10,455 Input gene rankings contains NA values(gene name and ranking value), drop them all!

The results are stored in the enrich_res attribute.

es nes pval fdr geneset_size matched_size genes ledge_genes logp logc num fraction Term P-value
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Complement and Coagulation Cascades WP449 0.732116 2.140070 0.0 0.000000 62 56 Cfd;Masp1;F2r;C4b;Hc;Cfh;F7;F12;Pros1;Serping1... Cfd;Masp1;F2r;C4b;Hc;Cfh;F7;F12;Pros1;Serping1... 9.210340 2.140070 56 0.903226 Complement and Coagulation Cascades WP449 0.000000
Matrix Metalloproteinases WP441 0.879498 2.397240 0.0 0.000000 29 27 Mmp11;Mmp14;Mmp3;Mmp12;Timp4;Timp1;Mmp28;Mmp9;... Mmp11;Mmp14;Mmp3;Mmp12;Timp4;Timp1;Mmp28;Mmp9;... 9.210340 2.397240 27 0.931034 Matrix Metalloproteinases WP441 0.000000
TYROBP Causal Network WP3625 0.786372 2.358131 0.0 0.000000 58 57 Itgax;Itgb2;Rgs1;Gpx1;Lhfpl2;Tcirg1;Cxcl16;Cd3... Itgax;Itgb2;Rgs1;Gpx1;Lhfpl2;Tcirg1;Cxcl16;Cd3... 9.210340 2.358131 57 0.982759 TYROBP Causal Network WP3625 0.000000
PPAR signaling pathway WP2316 0.681572 2.074737 0.0 0.003011 81 69 Hmgcs2;Pck1;Slc27a1;Scd3;Acox3;Acsbg1;Scd1;Ang... Hmgcs2;Pck1;Slc27a1;Scd3;Acox3;Acsbg1;Scd1;Ang... 5.772960 2.074737 69 0.851852 PPAR signaling pathway WP2316 0.003011
Metapathway biotransformation WP1251 0.643937 1.991519 0.0 0.012042 141 120 Cyp26b1;Cyp2e1;Fmo2;Gpx1;Cyp4b1;Cyp11a1;Mgst2;... Cyp26b1;Cyp2e1;Fmo2;Gpx1;Cyp4b1;Cyp11a1;Mgst2;... 4.411073 1.991519 120 0.851064 Metapathway biotransformation WP1251 0.012042

To visualize the enrichment, we use plot_enrichment to do.

  • num: The number of enriched terms to plot. Default is 10.
  • node_size: A list of integers defining the size of nodes in the plot. Default is [5,10,15].
  • cax_loc: The location of the colorbar on the plot. Default is 2.
  • cax_fontsize: The fontsize of the colorbar label. Default is 12.
  • fig_title: The title of the plot. Default is an empty string.
  • fig_xlabel: The label of the x-axis. Default is 'Fractions of genes'.
  • figsize: The size of the plot. Default is (2,4).
  • cmap: The colormap to use for the plot. Default is 'YlGnBu'.
                        fig_title='Wiki Pathway Enrichment',fig_xlabel='Fractions of genes',

<Axes: title={'center': 'Wiki Pathway Enrichment'}, xlabel='Fractions of genes'>

enter image description here

Not only the basic analysis, pyGSEA also help us to visualize the term with Ranked and Enrichment Score.

We can select the number of term to plot, which stored in gsea_obj.enrich_res.index, the 0 is Complement and Coagulation Cascades WP449 and the 1 is Matrix Metalloproteinases WP441


Index(['Complement and Coagulation Cascades WP449',
       'Matrix Metalloproteinases WP441', 'TYROBP Causal Network WP3625',
       'PPAR signaling pathway WP2316',
       'Metapathway biotransformation WP1251'],
      dtype='object', name='Term')

We can set the gene_set_title to change the title of GSEA plot

                  gene_set_title='Matrix Metalloproteinases',

enter image description here

python pyDESeq2 RNA-seq • 1.2k views
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Also worth noting this is a re-implementation of DESeq2 in python rather than a wrapper around the R package. The authors themselves admit there may be some drift between the values and results returned from the two.

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Use better tags. bioinformatics is a bad tag because every your post is not about the field itself, it's just part of the field. It's like adding english as a tag because the post is in English.

Use something like differential-expression and RNA-seq as tags.

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Might be worth putting python in the titles, as that is what seperates this from a million other DESeq tutorials.


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