This sounds a lot like an XY problem ( Can you please explain what problem you're trying to solve? (more bases than quality string, removing library indices from read names, etc)
True, seqkit works with gzipped files and writes gzipped out as well - not saying we can't do it with a simple zcat | sed '1~4s/..' | gzip > but seqkit wraps the nuts and bolts well.
I would like to delate the last 15 letters from the 1st line of each read
If this means trim/shorten the sequences by 15 bases then you should be able to do this using (look at forcetrimright=N option. Replace N with (your readlength -15 ). Other trimming programs should have similar options.
forcetrimright=0 (ftr) If positive, trim bases to the right of this position
(exclusive, 0-based)
This sounds a lot like an XY problem ( Can you please explain what problem you're trying to solve? (more bases than quality string, removing library indices from read names, etc)
are you planning on trimming the read name? you should provide an example
I want to edit the header line. I am looking for something like this:
This requirement makes no sense. Why do you need to trim the header by position?
To trim off 15 bases from every fourth line, starting with the first you can do something as simple as: