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13 months ago
Hello everyone,
I have a dataset like this :
collection.date sample lineage abundance
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 B.1.617 0.193548
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.102 0.16846905
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.39.1 0.16846905
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.44 0.16846905
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.39 0.16846905
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.116 0.0909091
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_849 AY.46.6 0.0416667
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 JN.1.1 0.2
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 JN.1 0.142857
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 AY.79 0.111111
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 AY.1 0.100218
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 AY.39 0.100218
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 AY.127 0.100218
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 BA.2.1 0.07132782
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 JN.5 0.0689655
27-12-2023 Sample_ID_W_V_848 BA.2.23 0.03978418
I want to plot density plot for each sample showing its lineages density according its abundance.
I want to plot something like this
I have tried this R script:
# Read data from TSV file
data_long <- read.delim("path/to/data_long.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Plot density using ggplot2
# Convert the data to long format
data_long_long <- reshape2::melt(data_long, id.vars = c("collection.date", "sample"), measure.vars = c("lineage", "abundance"))
# Plot density using ggplot2, colored by lineage
ggplot(data_long_long, aes(x = as.Date(collection.date, format="%d-%m-%Y"), fill = variable, y = as.numeric(value))) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
labs(title = "Density Plot of Lineage Abundance Over Time",
x = "Date",
y = "Density") +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%d-%m-%Y", date_breaks = "1 week") +