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10 months ago
I am new to transcriptomic analysis and I want to understand what "Total trinity 'genes'" and "Total trinity transcripts" mean in an assembly generated by Trinity. I see that they are different in this example and I would also like to know in this context what "unigene" means, is unigene the same as Total trinity 'genes'"?
I greatly appreciated your response.
<h6>#</h6><h6>#</h6>Counts of transcripts, etc.
<h6>#</h6>Total trinity 'genes': 1884 Total trinity transcripts: 2116 Percent GC: 49.26
Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:
<h6>#</h6> Contig N10: 1268
Contig N20: 981
Contig N30: 736
Contig N40: 585
Contig N50: 462
Median contig length: 315
Average contig: 431.78
Total assembled bases: 913641
Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per 'GENE':
<h6>#</h6> Contig N10: 1227
Contig N20: 845
Contig N30: 632
Contig N40: 504
Contig N50: 413
Median contig length: 303
Average contig: 402.23
Total assembled bases: 757802