I want to annotate a transcriptome that I assemble de novo following the Trinotate workflow, however, I am not clear about the -max_target_seqs command, what is the ideal value?
The newest BLAST+ release (scheduled for December 2018) will issue a
warning if the user requests fewer than five matches. Future releases
may also issue a warning if further equivalent matches are not shown.
However, we want to emphasize that, as with any database search, there
is always the possibility of equivalent results being returned and it
rests upon the user to determine which one(s) to choose depending on
the user’s purpose.
The invocation using the parameter ‘-max_target_seqs 1’ simply returns the first good hit found in the database, not the best hit as one would assume. Worse yet, the output produced depends on the order in which the sequences occur in the database
Not sure what the ideal value is, but it is definitely not 1
Thanks so much for your answer.