What does ANOVA test over CoxPH model mean?
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13 months ago


Let's say I have a Cox Model, for example:

cox <- coxph(Surv(Last_FU, as.numeric(Status)) ~Histology +  Metastisis + Recurrence +  Adjuvant.Treatment + Transcriptomic_Classification,  data = clinical_data)

From this i can obtain a Forest plot with the p-values and hazard ratios, after confirming that all variables fullfill the model's assumptions.

Then I passed this cox to an anova over CoxPH as suggested in this tutorial https://thomaselove.github.io/2020-432-book/cox-regression-models-for-survival-data-example-2.html , using this package https://rdrr.io/cran/survival/man/anova.coxph.html .


The results obtained show Transcriptomic_Classification variable as the only variable with P<0.01.

My intuition tells me to conclude from this that Transcriptomic Classification emerged as the most significant variable at predicting patient's survival, however I have not seen any scientific paper with anova(cox).

Therefore I would like to ask the community, what is this anova(cox) doing in detail? And if it could be used to draw such conclusions?

Best Regards and thank you.

SurvivalAnalysis CoxPH ANOVA Survival • 466 views

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