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13 months ago
Is there a way to get which terms matched each retrieved result?
Here's an example of an API call:
https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term="yhiM" AND (metal OR Magnesium-cobalt OR Lead OR Magnesium) AND (resistan* OR toleran*) NOT (antibiotic* OR drug OR multidrug OR multi-drug) NOT review[Publication Type] AND (bacter* OR microbe*)&retmode=json&sort=relevance&retmax=100000
Question as posted is not answerable. Provide examples of what you are looking for and anything you have already done.
I don't understand why.
I'm looking for a tool that does that or addition of a parameter to the API call to retrieve that information from NCBI.
I'll add an example.
You could retrieve the result as
format orabstract
. You will then need to use a parser to get details about which search terms were present in each record.I don't get any results for the query as posted above so are you sure it is correct?
The query I posted is not the full one. The original one has many other search terms.