I have proteome data from MS that looks like this:
Accession mock_2h DZ_2h tZ_2h iP_2h cZ_2h
AT1G14640 414177.811 338580.8139 156843.029 0.01 429917.5057
AT4G04210 18772.64082 9343.005921 10221.41105 14003.91488 0.01
AT2G28210 1888.572701 3808.277547 5535.396042 3619.26865 0.01
So I've got the abundance for each Accession ID, that's how I received the data from collaborators but I want a package or a script to perform differential protein expression comparing treatment groups to the control, all the differential protein packages are starting with peptide quantification. If anyone knows a package that could do please let me know.
mark.ziemann Hi Mark,I have a similar question, but in my case, I have protein names and data for both a control and a condition group, each with three replicates. The data includes the number of proteins in each sample and they are not normalized. So for using Limma do I need to use log transform first? Is there other packages do better job or any resource that I can get more information is highly appreciated. I tried a few packages, they mostly need more data which I don't have. Thank you very much.