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11 months ago
I would like add this metadata to my heatmap. I have a couple of issues 1) I am not able to assign the colours I want 2) How do I get all the celltypes under one legend. Currently with this command I get 2 different legends for each cell type. Could some one help me.
This is my Metadata:
IDs celltype1 celltype2
ID1 Cells_1
ID2 Cells_1 Cells_2
ID3 Cells_1 Cells_2
ID4 Cells_2
ID5 Cells_1
ID6 Cells_1 Cells_2
This is my code
ann_P_Merge <- data.frame(Metadata$celltype1, Metadata$celltype2 )
colnames(ann_P_Merge) <- c('celltype1', 'celltype2 ')
type_colors <- list('Celltypes' = c('celltype1' = 'royalblue', 'celltype2 ' = 'magenta'))
colAnn_P_Merge <- HeatmapAnnotation(
df = ann_P_Merge,
which = 'col',
col = type_colors ,
annotation_width = unit(c(1, 4), 'cm'),
gap = unit(1, 'mm'), gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 25)
ht1 = Heatmap((t(df4)), name = "Test", col = col_fun, rect_gp = gpar(col = "black", lwd = 0.5), cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_rows = TRUE,
top_annotation= colAnn_P_Merge, row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, "fontface" = "bold"),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
You have two columns of metadata which is why you get two legends.
To get a single legend you would need to combine the labels across
, e.g.,Alternatively, have you looked at options for adding a custom legend? See https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/legends.html#add-customized-legends
Thanks..I got it to work now.
Thanks! Then how would the heatmap look? The compleas heatmap tutorial only shows 2 different bars that we can give for the metadata. It does not show we can do 2 different metadat in one bar. If I am to make a bar with the Single Label column, would the complex heatmap divide the colored boxes and make into 2?..
This is the example complex heatmap provides. Here it shows 2 annotations foo and bar in different rows.
you can add as many annotations as you want, there's no limit to just 2.