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11 months ago
Hello, I have differential ATAC-seq from control and diseased cells (H3K27ac mark as chromatin mark) and wondering how to call enhancers using ROSE algorithm. Any suggestion
What isn't clear? It's a pretty simple program to run. Feed in your peaks/BAMs and that's pretty much it. Note that the built-in annotations are ancient and you may be better served by building your own to feed in.
Thanks for the feedback I have installed the ROSE algorithm and I do not understand clearly what the option means when having ATAC-seq data.
could you elaborate on how to get the [INPUT_REGION_GFF]
That parameter is for peak regions. If you have a BED file of peaks, you can convert it to gff via bedops easily enough. Or use
. That conversion has been answered many times on biostars.Also, it's not really clear from your question whether you have H3K27ac or not, but if you do, I'd recommend that over ATAC-seq for SE calling.
On calling ROSE using the above code i encountered the error below yet i have the ROSE code in one directory.
I can't see your local file structure or where you downloaded ROSE from. Run
from the directory and post the results along with wherever you downloaded the ROSE source code from (there are many clones of it floating around at this point, some with changes).Also, hg18 is crazy old at this point, I'd recommend updating to newer genome builds if possible.
i git cloned ROSE from (https://github.com/Barski-lab/ROSE) i wanted to rerun the initial dataset from which ROSE Was built on, i changed to hg38 and try it on my dataset but i get the error below
Well, that fork has made changes to the code. I don't know if it results in actual functional software or not. I kind of suspect not given some of the changes they've made. I'd go back to the original implementation.
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