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12 months ago
I am doing differential gene expression analysis based on 6 geo-series and using this measure to make a volcano plot based on 10 shared genes.
p_cutoff <- 0.05
fc_cutoff <- 1
DC_top_genes <- DC_top_genes %>%
mutate(Significant = adj.P.Val < p_cutoff, abs(logFC) > fc_cutoff ) %>%
mutate(GENE_SYMBOL = ifelse(GENE_SYMBOL %in% targe_gene_symbol_entrez$SYMBOL,
dc_volcano <- ggplot(DC_top_genes, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(P.Value), col = Significant, label = GENE_SYMBOL)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text_repel(col = "black", max.overlaps = 1400) +
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"), # Set background to white
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = -0.5), # Adjust title position inside the plot
plot.margin = margin(20, 20, 20, 20) # Adjust margin to make space for the title
) +ggtitle("Dilated Cardiomyopathy vs Control") # Add title inside the plot
Should I change fc_cutoff
or completely remove it?
What does this mean? You make a volcano plot from DE results based on all genes, not a random subset you pick.
yes but my target genes are : "ACTN2", "CRYAB", "BMP10" "CSRP3", "DES", "FHOD3”, “FLNC", "LDB3", "MYZAP", "MYPN", "MYOZ2", "NEXN", "PDLIM3", "PDLIM5", "TCAP", "TTN."
So is this microarray or qPCR data? If you're trying to highlight those specific genes on a volcano map, that's a different story.
I've never seen a mutate command written like this:
mutate(Significant = adj.P.Val < p_cutoff, abs(logFC) > fc_cutoff )
. Surely it should be&
instead of a comma.this is microarray data