I do have a limma output file for significant association, could you please suggest how to plot Manhatton plot for these sites;
sites <- read.table("cpg.site.txt", header=T, sep=",")
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B UCSC_RefGene_Name UCSC_RefGene_Group UCSC_RefGene_Name
cg17944885 -0.45182214 2.558778887 -15.5883061 1.29449893946335e-42 9.91956414325614e-37 84.49688759 0 0 chr19
cg03546163 0.255316075 -0.802081399 12.08720314 1.21449935724625e-28 4.65326927233398e-23 53.61163067 FKBP5;FKBP5;FKBP5;FKBP5 5'UTR;5'UTR;5'UTR;5'UTR chr6
cg05165263 -0.185316318 0.081109579 -10.79707879 7.43220006052377e-24 1.89839695185951e-18 43.01154759 IRF2 Body chr4
Many thanks,
thanks, I just put 3 loci here, but I do have some more in the output list.