I have the following dbSNP accessions from some EPIC array data:
# e.g.:
... # 65 in total
and I am able to obtain the coordinates of these locations on the hg38 assembly using rsnps::ncbi_snp_query( )
. However I need to compare these against the hg19 genome, which apparently is not supported in rsnps. Illumina's sample Sheet doesn't seem to provide this anywhere, and I'm not confident that the Liftover tool would be sufficiently precise to give me the right single-base letter if I just lifted these hg38 coordinates over (I need single-base resolution to see what was actually in the reference genome at the precise position of this snp. Maybe Liftover actually is precise enough for that? I just don't know ).
There is a graphical web-interface available here, but it would be painfully tedious to have to paste the accession in by hand 65 times (and for sure I would make mistakes in the process) -so I'm looking for some scripting solution to this.
Thanks for any ideas you might have.
UCSC has the solution
Yes, Liftover is very precise and it can be done pretty easily. Please check out LiftOver.
Thanks for the input, but I think I'd defer to the following advice from the UCSC website: