Hi Biostars! I have a question regarding DMRcate and its "extractRanges" function regarding its mapping of ranges to genes in hg38.
More specifically, i have performed a DMR-analysis on an EPICv1 dataset where the data is prepared and annotated using the "ilm10b5.hg38" manifest. I then follow the DMRcate pipeline of annotating CpGs to then extract DMRs using the "DMRcate::extractRanges()" function with the "genome = hg38" option. It says in the manual for DMRcate that "Ranges are assumed to map to the reference stated; there is no liftover".
I have after this mapped the ranges to see how they overlap with results from a DEG analysis, and as such want to make sure that the CpG sites for a region are using the correct coordinates to be able to find overlaps between DEGs and DMRs. In the manifest there are separate coordinates for the CpG position and its relative hg38 position. When ranges are retrieved using the "hg38" option, does the program take into account the relative position of the CpG sites seeing as the "default" annotation seem to be for hg19? That is to say, are the positions of the CpG sites in a region determined to be a DMR, mapped to a gene with respect to their relative "hg38" positions. Or are the ranges given in coordinates corresponding to the hg19 annotation?
The reason i am asking is that the results to me, seem to indicate that ranges are presented for genes in their "hg19" form, as when i try to overlap the CpGs for a coordinate range for a DMR i get an insufficient amount of overlaps seen to what DMRcate reports when using the hg38 coordinates, but a full coverage when using the hg19 coordinates for the CpGs?
I would be very greatful for any insights you can provide on the matter