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10 months ago
S'bonelo Glen
Hi everyone
I want to generate a dot plot by comparing different enriched pathways and GO terms (BP) across a list of tissues collected from the mouse model. I tried using the compare cluster function in Cluster Profiler, but I kept on getting an error. Here is the data (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AqGDLLLb7FDqCZg8bPhpAV3wNYFGy2bc/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=118139446396256084376&rtpof=true&sd=true)
See script below:
df <- as.list(DEPs_unique)
ck <- compareCluster(geneCluster = df, fun = enrichKEGG)
ck <- setReadable(ck, OrgDb = org.Mm.eg.db, keyType = "SYMBOL")
When I run the code, I get this warning messages:
1: In utils::download.file(url, quiet = TRUE, method = method, ...) :
the 'wininet' method is deprecated for http:// and https:// URLs
2: In utils::download.file(url, quiet = TRUE, method = method, ...) :
the 'wininet' method is deprecated for http:// and https:// URLs
3: In compareCluster(geneCluster = df, fun = enrichKEGG) :
No enrichment found in any of gene cluster, please check your input...