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12 months ago
I performed a GEO2R analysis on the dataset GSE236761
GeneID padj pvalue lfcSE stat log2FoldChange baseMean Symbol Description
100506497 0.0000309 1.94e-09 0.391 -6.0027842 -2.34933389 13.57 CPVL-AS2 CPVL antisense RNA 2
9242 0.0004013 7.56e-08 0.407 5.3772388 2.18916521 37.51 MSC musculin
84649 0.0004013 5.11e-08 0.405 5.4474355 2.20725151 141.17 DGAT2 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2
101929237 0.0008316 2.09e-07 0.42 -5.1911857 -2.18226839 17.86 LOC101929237 uncharacterized LOC101929237
4099 0.001678 5.27e-07 0.461 5.0161811 2.31151684 414.96 MAG myelin associated glycoprotein
55118 0.0020151 7.60e-07 0.366 4.9454853 1.81171282 351.17 CRTAC1 cartilage acidic protein 1
745 0.0034771 1.75e-06 0.458 4.7806231 2.18905791 84.12 MYRF myelin regulatory factor
30812 0.0034771 1.53e-06 0.279 4.8071249 1.33943496 104.89 SOX8 SRY-box transcription factor 8
2537 0.0044323 2.51e-06 0.713 4.7076392 3.35635974 5752.59 IFI6 interferon alpha inducible protein 6
From this results, how can I find the most significantly modulated gene? Regards,
Thanks. If I have several rows after selection, which one can be said as the most modulated?
What do you mean by modulated here? If you are talking about the most differentially regulated, the most down-regulated gene should be the gene with lowest log2FC and padj values, and the most up-regulated gene should be the gene with the highest log2FC and lowest padj values.
Yes, that's what I mean. Thank you