I am trying to check beta diversity with Adonis and comparing the result with a plot in ggplot2. Adonis gives me a significant difference between 2 groups but the plot shows no separation of profiles. I suspect and error in my code for the plot. Would anyone have an idea?
This is my code for the plot:
f <- read_xlsx("dataset.xlsx")
f1 <- f[,-1:-2] # remove column names
dist <- vegdist(f1, method = "bray")
pcoa <- cmdscale(dist, k=2, eig=TRUE, add=TRUE) # eig needed for percentage explained, 'add' makes all eig positive
positions <- pcoa$points #pcoa is a list after line 14, has to be changed to be used in ggplot
colnames(positions) <- c("PCoA1", "PCoA2")
percent_explained1 <- 100 * pcoa$eig / sum(pcoa$eig) #data for axes
d_mat <- as.data.frame(positions)
fig_f <- f[,1:2]
d_set <- cbind(d_mat, fig_f)
centroid <- d_set%>%
group_by(sample_name_lims) %>%
summarize(PCoA1 = mean(PCoA1),
PCoA2 = mean(PCoA2))
ggplot(d_set, aes(x=PCoA1, y=PCoA2, color=sample_name_lims)) +
geom_point() +
mapping=aes(x=PCoA1, y=PCoA2, color=sample_name_lims),
shape=15, size=3, show.legend = FALSE)+
values=c("blue", "red"),
breaks=c("CASE", "CONTROL"),
labels=c("case", "control")) +
coord_fixed() +
labs(x = "PC 1 (14.8%)",
y = "PC 2 (8.5%)") +
theme(legend.position = c(0.95, 0.95))
For Adonis,I used this standard code:
#Adonis2 calculation of difference between species
#distance data from above: dist <- vegdist(f1, method = "bray")
adonis2(dist~sample_name_lims, data = f, method = "bray")
Please provide the stats and the plot. Also, please use markdown to format your posts on here.
I've fixed their formatting.
Here are the numbers I get with Adonis:
sample_name_lims 1 0.2794 0.01231 1.9324 0.035 * Residual 155 22.4107 0.98769
Total 156 22.6901 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘*’ 0.001 ‘’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
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