Hello I'm graduate student who try to analyze single cell. I analyze this data for finding aging markers. But there's no one to help me....
So I don't know whats wrong in my code Please help me. So my final goal is find aging markers but results showed there's no aging markers in my data.
But the Dimplot(res=0.6)
shows me there's definite difference between Young and Old type...
I don't know how can handle this problem
I'm so desperate.
Thank you!
young1 <-readRDS("~/Desktop/GSE137869/GSE137869_aging/WAT_M_Y.rds")
young2 <-readRDS("~/Desktop/GSE137869/GSE137869_aging//WAT_F_Y/WAT_F_Y.rds")
old1 <- readRDS("~/Desktop/GSE137869/GSE137869_aging/WAT_M_O/WAT_M_O.rds")
old2 <- readRDS("~/Desktop/GSE137869/GSE137869_aging//WAT_F_O/WAT_F_O.rds")
WAT <- merge(young1, y = c(young2, old1, old2),
add.cell.ids = c("young1", "young2", "old1", "old2"),
project = "WAT") %>%
NormalizeData() %>%
FindVariableFeatures(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)%>%
SCTransform(vars.to.regress = c("percent.mt"))
WAT <- RunPCA(WAT, assay = "SCT", npcs = 50)
WAT@meta.data$type <- c(rep("Young", ncol(young1)),
rep("Young", ncol(young2)),
rep("Old", ncol(old1)),
rep("Old", ncol(old2)))
harmonized_WAT <- RunHarmony(WAT,
group.by = "type",
reduction ="pca",
assay.use = "SCT",
reduction.save = "harmony")
harmonized_WAT <- RunUMAP(harmonized_WAT, reduction = "harmony",
assay = "SCT", dims = 1:30)
harmonized_WAT <- FindNeighbors(object = harmonized_WAT, reduction = "harmony")
#harmonized_WAT <- FindClusters(harmonized_WAT, resolution = c(0.6))
harmonized_WAT <- FindClusters(harmonized_WAT, resolution = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2))
Idents(object = harmonized_WAT) <- "SCT_snn_res.0.6"
label = TRUE,
split.by = "type")
harmonized_WAT <- PrepSCTFindMarkers(harmonized_WAT)
WAT_aging_markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = harmonized_WAT,
only.pos = TRUE,
assay = "SCT",
group.by = "type",
logfc.threshold = 0.5,
min.pct = 0.05,
test.use = "wilcox")
This is my dataset
This is Dimplot I draw
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thank you!! I upload it again