I have a tree, some of the nodes have low bootstrap values which vary from 20~70 and I want to use it in my paper. And I previously read a paper "Shewanella nanhaiensis sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from sediment of South China Sea, and emended descriptions of Shewanella woodyi, Shewanella hanedai and Shewanella canadensis" in which, they only show the node with bootstrap value that is above 70%. I would like to ask if it is appropriate. Thanks!
Are these % values? Or bootstrap numbers? i.e. are we talking 20-70% or 20-70 replicates out of, say, 1000 runs?
I think Michael's answer is right in either case, but just for completeness..
Yes, those are % values, thanks for your answer!
I think, then it's ok. Just go ahead with your manuscript. If you are lucky you may get some more feedback on your methods during the review process.