I was trying to assemble oxford nanopore reads and was getting an empty gfa file as output. I found this solution https://github.com/lh3/miniasm/issues/18. And it worked ( it returned an non-empty gfa file). But i don't understand the command, miniasm usage doesn't have a -2S6 command. Here is what I get when I hit miniasm --h
Usage: miniasm [options] <in.paf>
-R prefilter clearly contained reads (2-pass required)
-m INT min match length [100]
-i FLOAT min identity [0.05]
-s INT min span [2000]
-c INT min coverage [3]
-o INT min overlap [same as -s]
-h INT max over hang length [1000]
-I FLOAT min end-to-end match ratio [0.8]
-g INT max gap differences between reads for trans-reduction [1000]
-d INT max distance for bubble popping [50000]
-e INT small unitig threshold [4]
-f FILE read sequences []
-n INT rounds of short overlap removal [3]
max and min overlap drop ratio [0.7,0.5]
-F FLOAT aggressive overlap drop ratio in the end [0.8]
-p STR output information: bed, paf, sg or ug [ug]
-b both directions of an arc are present in input
-1 skip 1-pass read selection
-2 skip 2-pass read selection
-V print version number
See miniasm.1 for detailed description of the command-line options.
Did you ever find an explanation for this? I have a very similar experience... although I'm using gDNA as opposed to RNA (in the original post)