I'm working with an old alignment/variant calling pipeline that uses UnifiedGenotyper on GATK v. 3.2.2, which is no longer supported by GATK (I'm stuck with this because we want our new alignments and variant calls to be consistent with those made years ago).
Sometime in the last year, one of the java updates was to a version that is evidently incompatible with GATK 3.2.2, because for various GATK 3.2.2 functions that had previously worked on the server, I get the error e.g.
ERROR MESSAGE: Invalid command line: Malformed walker argument: Could not find walker with name: UnifiedGenotyper
(I get the same issue with RealignerTargetCreator, so presumably nothing on GATK 3 will work with the current java).
The problem is, I don't recall the most recent version of java that would run GATK 3.2.2. The current java on the machine is 11.0.20, so obviously it would have to be something older than that.
Does anybody know what java version I would need to run GATK 3.2?
should be java 1.8
Thanks. Just to follow-up, GATK 3.2.2 will not run on any more recent version, correct?