Hi all,
I am trying to compare peak files between Homer and MACS2. My goal is to compare as integers the number of peaks between the two softwares. Retrieving the total number of peaks through Homer is totally simple -- if I look at the peak file generated from the following code:
findPeaks /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/01_homer_tsv_files -o /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/ATAC_01_mapped.sorted.peak.file -gsize 9.58e8 minDist 150 -region
I get this:
head ATAC_01_mapped.sorted.peak.file
# HOMER Peaks
# Peak finding parameters:
# tag directory = /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/01_homer_tsv_files
# total peaks = 17394
# peak size = 208
# peaks found using tags on both strands
# minimum distance between peaks = 416
# fragment length = 208
# genome size = 958000000
So getting total peaks is more or less immediate. Easy!
However, when I try to view the number of peaks produced by MACS2 using this:
macs2 randsample -i ATAC_01_mapped.sorted.rem_dup.bam -f BAMPE -p 100 -o ATAC_01_macs2.bed
macs2 callpeak -f BEDPE --nomodel --shift -37 --extsize 73 -g 928200000 -B --broad --keep-dup all --cutoff-analysis -n ATAC_01 -t ATAC_01_macs2.bed --outdir /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/macs2 2> ATAC_01macs2.log
I see something like this in the log:
head -n 20 ATAC_01macs2.log
INFO @ Thu, 07 Mar 2024 17:50:43:
# Command line: callpeak -f BEDPE --nomodel --shift -37 --extsize 73 -g 928200000 -B --broad --keep-dup all --cutoff-analysis -n ATAC_01 -t ATAC_01_macs2.bed --outdir /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/macs2
# name = ATAC_01
# format = BEDPE
# ChIP-seq file = ['ATAC_01_macs2.bed']
# control file = None
# effective genome size = 9.28e+08
# band width = 300
# model fold = [5, 50]
# qvalue cutoff for narrow/strong regions = 5.00e-02
# qvalue cutoff for broad/weak regions = 1.00e-01
# The maximum gap between significant sites is assigned as the read length/tag size.
# The minimum length of peaks is assigned as the predicted fragment length "d".
# Larger dataset will be scaled towards smaller dataset.
# Range for calculating regional lambda is: 10000 bps
# Broad region calling is on
# Paired-End mode is on
INFO @ Thu, 07 Mar 2024 17:50:43: #1 read fragment files..
So it's embarassing to ask, but I really don't see anything whatsoever that easily displays the total number of peaks displayed by MACS2. Is there a command option I am missing, or am I making some silly mistake in what file I should be viewing (which is what I suspect is the case)?
Thank you in advance!
This worked just fine for me, thank you very much!