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11 months ago
Can I use MEAN_INSERT_SIZE from picard as the meanFragmentLength directly ? Should I add the length of the adapter sequence that I used for trimming to the MEAN_INSERT_SIZE ? Please clarify on this. Alternatively can I use R2 end positions - R1 start , where R1 and R2 are pair of reads and then calculate the mean ?
Can you give some context what you want to do? Don't reinvent the wheel.
Thank you for your response.
I want to use count2fpkm for normalizing my counts matrix, for which I need mean Fragment length, as suggested for getting mean Fragment length I ran CollectInsertSizeMetrics(Picard). Output of CollectInsertSizeMetrics(Picard) contains mean insert size but not mean fragment length. I repeated this question because I did not get an answer whether I should use mean insert size as it is or do any manipulation before using it in count2fpkm. Additionally, I am asking if I simply skip running CollectInsertSizeMetrics(Picard) and get mean fragment length [ which I am assuming is (R2 end positions - R1 start position) from SAM file, will it be correct to do so?
ATpoint I'm still confused, can you please help