Hi there, I have performed the analysis using the codes below:
compareGO <- compareCluster(geneCluster = gene_lists_sorted_names,
fun = "enrichGO",
OrgDb= org.Hs.eg.db,
compareGO<- simplify(compareGO,
cutoff = 0.7,
by = "p.adjust",
select_fun = min,
measure = "Wang",
semData = NULL
I had assumed that if setting fun to enrichGO and not stating anything for ont, the default would be "ALL" .
However when I performed:
compareGO <- compareCluster(geneCluster = gene_lists_sorted_names,
fun = "enrichGO",
ont = "ALL",
OrgDb= org.Hs.eg.db,
compareGO<- simplify(compareGO,
cutoff = 0.7,
by = "p.adjust",
select_fun = min,
measure = "Wang",
semData = NULL
The results were different dot plots I obtained from the results were different.
Can I please get some help on understanding this please? Why are the results different?