bedToBigBed error, what am I doing wrong?
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11 months ago
Ronin ▴ 10

I am trying to use Homer's, and need to convert my bed file to a bigbed file. /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/sortedbams/picard/motifs/eye-motifs/homerMotifs.all.motifs /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/pfluv-genome/pfluv-genome.fa -bed > scanned-eye-motifsites.bed

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n scanned-eye-motifsites.bed > scanned-eye-motifsites.sorted.bed

However, when I try:

bedToBigBed scanned-eye-motifsites.sorted.bed /scratch/ATACseq/FASTQ_ATAC_43955/pfluv-genome/pfluv-genome.sizes scanned-eye-motifs.bigBed

I get the following error:

Expecting number field 2 line 1 of scanned-eye-motifsites.sorted.bed, got Perca
Expecting number field 2 line 1 of scanned-liver-motifsites.sorted.bed, got Perca
Expecting number field 2 line 1 of scanned-spleen-motifsites.sorted.bed, got Perca

Here is what I see when I try to use the head command on the bed file made from the sort step:

CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    4   11  17-TTCTTTTT 6.933043    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    9   16  17-TTCTTTTT 6.933043    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    10  21  13-TTTTTTTTTTTT 11.062214   +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    12  21  18-TTTTTTTTTT   9.703866    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    14  21  17-TTCTTTTT 7.368553    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    27  38  10-AGAGAGTGTGTG 3.916992    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    29  38  12-AGAGTGTGTG   6.055752    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    31  38  5-CACTCACT  5.516073    -
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    47  56  12-AGAGTGTGTG   6.055752    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    49  56  5-CACTCACT  5.516073    -

Any insights would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Homer software-error UCSC • 1.2k views
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11 months ago

wrong column delimiter for sort. you used

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n scanned-eye-motifsites.bed > scanned-eye-motifsites.sorted.bed

but need:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -t $'\t' scanned-eye-motifsites.bed > scanned-eye-motifsites.sorted.bed
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Thanks for the reply. I had thought this might work, but something odd has appeared. The code you corrected me with (thank you again) unfortunately did not work. I went ahead and just tried to open the bed file in VScode and saw this:

bed file screenshot

So it looks like the row shows the chromosome, with simple spaces extending from CM020909.1 to the word 'sequence', followed by a tab to the number 4 there. It's a bit difficult to see (sorry about that!), but you can see the dots that are used to show a space, and also the tab arrow symbols.

Do you think that this might explain why this sort command did not work? And if so, is there a simple workaround to remove this information so the code might work?

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It's a bit difficult to see

use tr to convert the characters to something visible. Don't use a gui like VScode to handle those files. Use the command line.

but you can see the dots

I don't see anything

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Ah, apologies. Here is what I see:

CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    4   11  17-TTCTTTTT 6.933043    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    9   16  17-TTCTTTTT 6.933043    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    10  21  13-TTTTTTTTTTTT 11.062214   +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    12  21  18-TTTTTTTTTT   9.703866    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    14  21  17-TTCTTTTT 7.368553    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    27  38  10-AGAGAGTGTGTG 3.916992    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    29  38  12-AGAGTGTGTG   6.055752    +
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    31  38  5-CACTCACT  5.516073    -
CM020909.1 Perca fluviatilis chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence    47  56  12-AGAGTGTGTG   6.055752    +

Does that help?

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from what you pasted, there is not tab in your file.

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Hmm.. you may be right. Is there any way I can fix this issue easily still, you think? When I try to use VScode to remove the text portion, it gives an error message saying that it cannot remove that many lines of text...

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I can fix this issue easily still, you think?

yes, use sed. At this point I stop helping you.

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11 months ago
inedraylig ▴ 70

The bed file doesn't follow the BED format:

It should be a tab-separated file where the first columns is the chromosome, second and third are the coordinates for start and end of the feature.

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it follows the bed format if the delimiter in the chrom name is a space.

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Correct, my reply was less thorough than yours (I assumed that the delimiters got lost in the sort command, but didn't look specifically).


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