I am trying to run a count matrix using featurecounts but it is showing me 'invalid parameter' error with the file path to my bam files. I have checked and the files exist along with executable permissions. Here is my code:
$feature_counts -p -T 8 -a $gene_ann -o $count_out/count_matrix.txt $bam_dir/*_aligned.bam
ERROR: invalid parameter
Could someone please help me with that?
Thank you for the link! I had a look and updated the script:
However, it is still showing as : ERROR: invalid parameter:/path/to/file/SRR7008461_aligned.bam'
If you are using
for paired end data then you should also useI always list the BAM files individually with a space in between names. As Gordon Smyth said below the wild card does not work (
).Make sure all your variables expand to generate correct paths. It is odd to use a variable for a program name.