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10 months ago
Hello I have annotation domain data as PANTHER ID's but I also need the Domain name. I'm trying yo download the panther entry list but I'm a little bit lost some knows is there is a way to download the PANTHER entry list in a similar way its possible with InterPro?
What organism are you working with? Perhaps you can download the relevant file from here: http://data.pantherdb.org/ftp/sequence_classifications/current_release/PANTHER_Sequence_Classification_files/
Hello im currently working with Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus wich isn't in panther but the anotations of the GAF file in NCBI are in both InterPro ID's and PANTHER ID's i already dowloaded the InterPro entry List but i need the PANTHER entrys as not all he domais are in bot ID format
Can you post a few example IDs?
PANTHER:PTN000900048 PANTHER:PTN001559200 PANTHER:PTN00065524 Like these
While you can look these up on PANTHER site I don't see a easy way to download the entire list. You may want to email PANTHER support and ask.
Thank you for trying to help i will mesage panther suport