I have conducted a transcriptomics experiment and performed edgeR analysis on my data. Due to the low number of samples and mostly small effect sizes between control and treatment groups, I have decided to filter relevant Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) based solely on Fold Change (FC). I have already conducted behavioral experiments and RT-PCR on some of the genes chosen solely based on FC, and obtained good results, supporting the analysis's ability to detect treatment significant genes. Now, I want to better choose an FC threshold to best cut off possible noise. I am considering using a 95% confidence interval on the FC of all my genes (around 16,000 after low reads filtering) to select only the genes whose fold change falls outside the 95% CI as DEGs.
For example, I would divide the data into increasing or decreasing FC categories and calculate the CI for each category. For this example, let's assume my FC CI is 2 ± 0.2. Therefore, for upregulated genes, I would only consider genes whose FC is higher than 2.2.
Alternatively, I would appreciate any other objective ways to determine the FC threshold.
Thank you!