Dear Biostars,
I am attempting different methods of using Reactome resources from the Bioconductor community to obtain Node/ Edge information.
With KEGG this is quite straight forward - one can just download the xml file and then convert this to a dataframe.
> pathway_data = "KEGG ID"
> pathway_dest= "/path/to/xml"
> retrieveKGML(pathway_data, species, destfile = pathway_dest, method = "curl")
> pathway_data <- parseKGML2DataFrame(pathway_dest)
Though I am struggling to identify a similar alternative for Reactome. I have tested ReactomPA, reactome.db and looked on the website for a file which could provide this information.
I am now considering downloading a graphical representation of each reactome ID I am interested in and then wrangling it in R. Though if a tool already exists, I would prefer to use this.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Many Thanks.
This is the closest I could get to - but requires a lot of manual editing.
convert events to a dataframe - one word (including genes) per column
add full gene names to incompletely written gene names e.g. IL6, 7, 8 -> IL6, IL7, IL8
Any other suggestions of a more coherent way?