Dear all,
There are only 2 seats left for the 2nd edition of the course "Analysis of Prokaryotic Pangenomes" in April (15-17).
Dive into the evolving field of pangenomics and discover the implications of genetic variation in closely related prokaryotes. Through theory and hands-on practice, you'll explore bacterial genomes, construct pangenomes, analyze gene relationships, and more.
Course website
Day 1 (Wednesday, 10 am - 6.30 pm Berlin time)
- Introduction to pangenomics
- Bacterial genomics fundamentals
- Genome annotation using Prokka
- Pangenome construction using tools like Roary and Panaroo
Day 2 (Thursday, 10 am - 6.30 pm Berlin time)
- Relationships between genes in a pangenome
- Networks and visualization with Gephi
- Running Coinfinder and using Random Forests to predict gene presence/absence
Day 3 (Friday, 10 am - 5.30 pm Berlin time)
- Final practical: Design your own experiment with provided or personal data
Group discussion on problems and analysis strategies
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