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10 months ago
I'm trying to fit a CCA model with random effect, the formula should look like this:
~ A + B + C + (1|patient_ID)
But I cannot find any package support this. So far I have tried CCA(), capscale(), but it neither of the seems recognizing the formula with random effect.
So anyone knows what how to do this?
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What is a CCA model with random effects?
for example, without a random effect, the formula for a cca (Constrained Correspondence Analysis) model could be:
cca(y ~ x + z + k, data = df),
but if some samples are provided by same patients, I want to use the patient ID as the random effect to adjust for the grouped samples.
cca(y ~ x + z + k + (1|patient_ID), data = df)
In other models like mixed linear model, it allows for adding this random effect, but it seems cca() doesn't allow this.
If anyone knows any packages allows doing cca model with a random effect that would be great.