I am wanting to run a simple bedtools jaccard command:
bedtools jaccard -a a.bed -b b.bed
Here is a head command of both bed files:
head a.bed
chr start end
CM020918.1 39021475 39021576
CM020915.1 25208073 25208174
CM020915.1 21129216 21129317
VHII01000032.1 201725 201826
CM020927.1 15130715 15130816
CM020922.1 27493797 27493898
CM020922.1 1904773 1904874
CM020912.1 38993651 38993752
CM020915.1 20895193 20895294
head b.bed
chr start end
CM020917.1 34469864 34469965
CM020927.1 21249285 21249386
CM020914.1 6637448 6637549
CM020914.1 9005599 9005700
CM020926.1 1419014 1419115
CM020914.1 16369051 16369152
CM020914.1 16531627 16531728
CM020924.1 22596008 22596109
CM020924.1 19754163 19754264
Yet when I try to run the command, bedtools hisses this back at me:
bedtools jaccard -a a.bed -b b.bed
Error: unable to open file or unable to determine types for file a.bed
- Please ensure that your file is TAB delimited (e.g., cat -t FILE).
- Also ensure that your file has integer chromosome coordinates in the
expected columns (e.g., cols 2 and 3 for BED).
So, I feel a bit stuck. I don't know what cat -t FILE
is supposed to mean. I am sure these are tab separated (I imported the files into Excel, and exported as a tab delimited text (.txt). Any insights would be appreciated!
Thank you, this worked :)