How to fasten FTP file type download speed
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5 months ago
Aaliya • 0

Hello Everyone, I am currently working with bulk RNA seq where I am taking publicly available data and performing DESeq2 on them. For this, I am taking my dataset from GEO and then FTP links published on NCBI SRA. My each file size is between 8-12 gb, and its been taking a lot of time. An average 7gb file is taking almost 80 minutes to download.

Has anyone faced this before? What do I do? I really need to fasten the process. I have tried using LAN and I have concluded that it is the server which is slow and not the internet connection.

The command I use to download these on my Terminal are wget or curl -O.

SRA FTP GEO NCBI • 380 views
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5 months ago
GenoMax 145k

I have tried using LAN and I have concluded that it is the server which is slow and not the internet connection.

I assume you mean wired ethernet rather than wireless. Unfortunately this may have something to do with the "gatekeepers" (entity that provides your internet connectivity and manages data flow, also part of the world you are in may be a factor). If there is a deep packet inspection appliance on your network you may be getting the best speed you are likely going to get. You could try your luck with an alternate network provider to see if that improves things.

Same data should also be available from ENA. You can find the FTP links using sra-explorer (see sra-explorer : find SRA and FastQ download URLs in a couple of clicks ). If NCBI SRA as a source is the issue then you may get faster access via ENA. You can also use aspera there. But then again, if there is packet inspection in play then you will still be subject to the slow downs.

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I am downloading the FTP links from ENA (not SRA as mentioned, my bad).


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