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9 months ago
Dave Carlson
Does anybody know what happened to the WGCN website?
The url listed on CRAN is the following:
However it appears to be down:
There was a lot of information and useful tutorials, and it would be a shame if they were lost.
Very good to know, thank you!
It is unfortunate that an often used academic software website remains down after months. Dr. Horvath is still at UCLA so perhaps someone needs to email him about this.
He is at Altos Labs now, this is probably why the UCLA-hosted sites are all down (understandible). What is not understandable is why they have not put this on GitHub a long time ago.
Dr. Horvath is still listed on multiple faculty pages so he must still be associated with UCLA. https://bioscience.ucla.edu/people/steve-horvath/ and https://people.healthsciences.ucla.edu/institution/personnel?personnel_id=45544. If Peter Langfelder has moved on to the new job it should be Dr. Horvath's responsibility to keep the website alive since he likely was the senior author for WGCNA.